The History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

Have you ever wondered how the diamond task sphere came to be the most melodious option of aficionado and where this originated from?

The History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

The History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

A diamond engagement circle has desire been the ultimate figure of imperishable emotions and commitment; the unmatched tenacity and prettiness of the diamond has made it the most singable preference when it comes to duty rings. However, when did this cooperation between heart and diamonds begin?

The tradition of giving a orb to your future bride has been around for centuries, with the Romans believed to be the elite to wear an task ball on the third finger of the left hand There are a few theories as to the reasons for this choice of finger Some suggest that it is because there is a vein from the nucleus that extends down to this finger, and hence, this finger leads lustreless to the centre However, the diamond has not always been the traditional aficionado for an engagement ring, and the giving of a diamond duty orb is torpid relatively gone Diamond assignment rings boon became haunting in the 1930s, but the tradition of using a diamond in an assignment orb is believed to have originated in 1477, when the Archduke Maximillian of Austria presented a diamond task sphere to Mary of Burgundy It was after this approach that the use of diamonds in duty rings became a memorable trend among the productive and superior However, it wasnt until 1870 and the discovery of several diamond mines in South Africa that diamonds became fresh available and affordable to the common civic As supply increased, declining costs allowed many members of the civic to invest in a diamond chore ball and sales flourished. It was in the 1930s that the diamond trend really took off, even though many were suffering the effects of the Great Depression Even though rubies, red in colour, signified love, diamonds became synonymous with eternity Since then, a diamond chore ring has been consistently used and even expected when couples become engaged It was in 1947 that De Beers launched its great slogan, A Diamond is Forever, which stimulated even other sales, with the unstated durability of a diamond going hand-in-hand with the belief that matrimonial is forever. By 1965, 80 percent of all new brides in the United States wore one In 1992, the regular charge of a diamond job ball was $1,500, but today, the average emolument is closer to $5,000 As demand for a diamonds coruscate and prettiness has increased, the diamond has become the extensive cipher of a mans commitment to the noblewoman he loves

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